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Mega Man X:
Our main protagonist. X has the ability to think, feel, and make his own decisions. He's the culmination of AI as we know it. He was built by the Dr. Light of Mega Man fame, and then buried in a capsule. He was discovered by Dr. Cain in 21XX. Originally planning to be a simple worker robot, he decided to help fight Mavericks after Sigma went Maverick. He's succeeded in defeating Sigma five times, all the while questioning why he was fighting and why he was built then buried. Many people think he was an upgraded version of the original Mega Man, but whether that is myth or reality has yet to be seen. Hopefully we'll figure out in Mega Man X6.

Zero is the second hero of the story. We first meet him at the beginning of Mega Man X(1), when, as the leader of the Maverick Hunters, he saves X from Vile. He doesn't really remember anything about his past, as far as we're told, but the mystery is slowly unraveling. So far it's been determined that Zero was built by Dr. Wily, Dr. Light's evil rival from the previous century, and that he used to be a Maverick. He almost killed Sigma, who was a Hunter at the time, but something stopped him (it involved a W appearing in his crystal). I think it was because we about to kill a robot that wasn't X, which was in Zero's original programming; in any event, Sigma survived and stopped Zero, who was examined and apparently turned away from evil. When Sigma became a Maverick, Zero became the leader of the Hunters for awhile, then got his own Special 00 unit, probably because he's a bit of a loose cannon, or because his beam saber was powerful enough to put him in his own category. In any case, Zero's been saving X's keister in almost every game in some form or other.

When Dr. Cain replicated X's circuitry to make Reploids, some of them (seemingly) spontaneously turned evil ("went Maverick"). When Sigma was built, he became the leader of the original Maverick Hunters. However, he apparently decided that humans were inferior to Reploids, and that they should be destroyed, so he became a Maverick himself, and has been showing up every game to try and destroy civilized humanity as we know it. Thankfully for us, X and Zero have foiled all his schemes to date. It is rumored that he will not show up in X6, since the end of X5 suggests his ultimate and complete demise, but we'll see about that...

Sigma's right-hand Mav. He first appeared in the first game in a Robot Ride Armor (mech). He was almost unstoppable, and was only defeated because Zero sacrificed himself to take out the mech, then X killed him. He was resurrected in the third game by Dr. Doppler to extract his revenge on X and zero. He upgraded and created/was given the Goliath mech. Still, he was no match for X and Zero, who nuked him again. It was speculated that he'd resurface in X5, but of course he didn't. Told ya so.

The X-Hunters:
Agile, Serges, and Violen appeared in X2. They were inspired by Sigma and apparently knew something about Zero that made them want to get his parts and reassemble him while reviving Sigma. Sigma apparently told them of some "prophecy," which they were trying to enact, but they got toasted before they could, and X restored Zero to his old new self.

Dr. Doppler:
Dr. Doppler was a Reploid scientist who built a Neuro-computer that prevented Reploids from going Maverick. Then the Sigma virus showed up for the first time, and infected the good doctor, making him the bad doctor. He souped up himself and his henchmen, revived Vile, and set out to kill X and Zero. When he was defeated in battle, he broke out the virus' control and used an anti-virus program to stop the virus from getting X at the end of the game (or, depending on how you played, he gave the program to Zero, who saved X…again.)

One of Doppler's henchmen. He has a shield in all the pics, and apparently an energy sword, which he uses in the game.

Doppler's other henchman. A big guy, he uses hi dash and punch as his primary attacks. He and Bit merge together to form the Goodkarmachine O Inary, a powerful, dragonlike beast robot.

Double/Jello Man:
A rookie Hunter who started out by assisting X during the fourth game. However, he revealed himself as Sigma's spy when he met X on the Final Weapon. He was a transforming Reploid, the first and maybe only one we've seen, who could change his shape from that of a well toned killing machine (Jello Man) to that of a rotund, clumsy dork (Double).

The sister of Repliforce's Colonel and Zero's first known romantic interest. She was torn by the strife between Repliforce and the Hunters, trying to stop Zero and Colonel from fighting. Eventually, after Zero killed Colonel, she went kinda cuckoo and fought Zero in a Gargoyle-styled Ride Armor. Zero defeated her in self-defense, and she died shortly thereafter. Most people think she's just an annoying pain, and I'm tempted to agree with them.

The second-in-command of Repliforce. His pride and hot-headedness helped start the war between Repliforce and the Hunters. He believed he was fighting for his freedom and independence, though it ended up being a pointless battle that was a cover-up for Sigma's plans to kill X, Zero, and the humans.

The head of Repliforce. He was goaded into fighting the Hunters from the start, but only after being accused of starting the mess at the Sky Lagoon did he give the word to fight. At the end he realized what a fool he was to listen to Sigma at all, and sacrificed himself to save Earth.

Sigma's hired gun. Cool and cocky, he's been hired to take down the colony and get in X and Zero's way. He's a skillful fighter, above SA, so he gives X and Zero a run for their money, but he doesn't actually want to hurt them per se.

One of the new hunters, he works on fixing the Enigma and the Shuttle. He's not seen much in the game, but he's apparently pretty skilled at mechanics.

A medic for the Maverick Hunters. He only shows up once or twice in the game. He supports X and Zero by healing them and researching the Sigma Virus. He gets concerned about the virus' effects on Zero, but isn't sure what to make of it.

The Hunter dispatcher. She guides X and Zero through the levels and provides information on the bosses and their DNA. She analyzes armors and DNA for Douglas, and in some cases Life-Saver, to make upgrades.

The new Hunter Commander in Chief. He gives X and Zero their primary missions, like getting Enigma pieces or shuttle parts, and he gives out the major orders and plans. He reminds me visually of Colonel, but he is much more personable, cool, and calm.

Rockman Insane
Rockman & Forte
Zero's Domain
MegaMan RX
NeoProtoman X
Snakeman's Base
Zero's Unit HQ

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